In this video tutorial, we will be building a modern and responsive admin dashboard using React.js. With step-by-step guidance, we will cover all the essential components of a typical admin panel, including charts, tables, forms, and more. Whether you're new to React or an experienced developer, this video is perfect for you. By the end of this video, you'll have a solid understanding of how to create a robust and dynamic admin dashboard using React. The goal of this video is to provide you with a complete understanding of how to create an admin dashboard or admin panel using React js and give you the skills and knowledge to build your own projects from scratch. We will be using react js and tailwind CSS. Your mentor for this session is Jasbir Singh, he's not only a stellar full-stack web developer but also the co-founder of Pepcoding; he specializes in web development and comes with lots of hands-on industry experience. Let's dive into the world of React JS and cover advanced topics such as form validation, routing, and data fetching. We'll start by discussing the different types of form validation in React and how to implement them using built-in and third-party libraries. Next, we'll explore advanced routing techniques such as dynamic routing and protected routes. #admindashboard #reactjs #reactjsforbeginners #adminpanel #reactjscourse #reactjstutorial #codewithscaler #reactjsdeveloper #livesession #tailwindcss Code with Scaler - React JS Complete Course 2023
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was developed by Facebook and is now maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React allows developers to build reusable UI components and manage the state of their applications in an efficient way. It uses a virtual DOM to optimize updates and improve performance. It also allows for easy integration with other libraries and frameworks, making it a popular choice for building complex web applications. From the basics of JSX, Forms, Deployment, and component creation to advanced concepts like hooks, data fetching, Routing, and context, this course has it all. Also, we will be making Live Projects that can help you in building a portfolio that stands out! We will also make projects like IMDb clone, Instagram reels clone, etc using Tailwind CSS and React Js. This is the Complete React JS Course 2023