Video covers - What is Apache Kafka? How Kafka Works? What is Pub-Sub Architecture? What are Brokers and Zookeeper in Kafka? What are Bootstrap server in Kafka? What are partitions in Kafka and Why are they important? What is Topic in Kafka? Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 00:33 - What is Pub-Sub Architecture? 01:08 - What is Topic in Kafka? 01:38 - Kafka Cluster 01:46 - What are Brokers and Zookeeper in Kafka? 02:08 - What are Bootstrap server in Kafka? 02:54 - What are partitions in Kafka and Why are they important? 04:15 - What is Replication Factor in Kafka? 05:26 - Demo for Kafka URLs: Github Docker for Kafka Cluster: https://github.com/subhamkharwal/docker-images/tree/master/kafka-cluster Kafka Commands: kafka-topics --list --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 kafka-topics --create --topic test-topic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 2 --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 kafka-topics --describe --topic test-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 kafka-get-offsets --topic test-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 kafka-console-producer --topic test-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 kafka-console-consumer --topic test-topic --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 --partition 0 --offset earliest Keywords: Apache Spark, PySpark, Spark Streaming, Real-time Data Processing, Data Streaming, Big Data Analytics, PySpark Tutorial, Apache Spark Tutorial, Streaming Analytics, Spark Structured Streaming, PySpark Streaming, Big Data Processing, Kafka New video in every 3 days ā¤ļø Make sure to like and Subscribe.
Keywords: Spark Streaming with PySpark, Real time streaming, Structured Streaming Dive into the world of real-time data processing with our comprehensive playlist on Spark Streaming using PySpark! š Search Keywords: Apache Spark, PySpark, Spark Streaming, Real-time Data Processing, Data Streaming, Big Data Analytics, PySpark Tutorial, Apache Spark Tutorial, Streaming Analytics, Spark Structured Streaming, PySpark Streaming, Big Data Processing. š Playlist Overview: Unlock the power of Spark Streaming with PySpark through this in-depth playlist designed for beginners and intermediate users alike. Whether you're a data scientist, developer, or aspiring big data enthusiast, this series will guide you through the essentials of real-time data processing.